Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Imran Khan connects his character in “Break Ke Baad” to his real life..

Imran Khan initially wasn’t sure about dating girlfriend Avantika. Here is what he has to say about his relationship, connecting it to his latest flick, ‘Break Ke Baad’.
Imran was asked, like most of his friends, has he ever taken a break in a relationship?
I personally don’t believe in the concept of a break. I believe either you are in a relationship or you’re not. There is nothing like a break. If the relationship is not working out then one should opt out of the relationship. It’s like making a reservation for a table in the restaurant and not occupying it as well without letting it go. So it’s something I don’t understand.
How does he connect his character in “Break Ke Baad” to his real life?
I play a character very similar to myself in real life. Not many get a chance to do that. Abhay Gulati is someone who has been in a long-term relationship just like me, and doesn’t believe in the concept of taking a break in a relationship. When I started off with Avanatika I was not sure what I wanted to do but I just fell in love with her and that’s how Abhay Gulati is, who is clueless about his career and wants to get married to Aaliya (Deepika).
How is “Break Ke Baad” any ‘different’ from the other ‘different’ love stories released in recent times?
Break Ke Baad is a film which I feel the audience will be able to connect to. A film that today’s youngsters can easily relate too because somewhere it’s been happening with them around. Love stories are about boy meets girl and falls in love but Break Ke Baad shows what takes place in a relationship and how one deals with it.
Since you have been in a long-term relationship, have either of you ever felt the need for a break? What are the alternatives to taking a break in a relationship?
Every relationship goes through some ups and downs and not necessarily all land up in breakups. In my relationship neither I nor Avantika ever believed in the concept of a break. Whatever issues came up, we solved them between the two of us and that’s the reason why I’m now getting married to her. We have been together over eight and a half years now.


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